• Turn Your iPhone or iPad into a Desktop Phone for Business

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:08:01
    Invoxia has unveiled a sleek speaker that transforms iOS devices into a desktop phone and handset that makes conference and video calls for businesse…

  • BBC World Service Opens Newsroom to Public in Live Broadcast

    Updated: 2012-02-29 16:37:49
    Top Stories Photo Video Galleries Top Lists Trending Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video More Topics . People Recommended Mashable Staff More people . Jobs Try Our New Social News App Welcome to Mashable Sign in with Facebook or Facebook Mashable Social Media All Social Media How-To Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ Oscars mRank Featured in Social Media Tech All Tech Apps Software Dev Design Gadgets Mobile Featured in Tech Business All Business Advertising Marketing Media Small Business Startups Featured in Business Entertainment All Entertainment Film Gaming Music TV Featured in Entertainment US World All US World Politics Social Good . U.S World Featured in US World Videos : Featured Apple YouTube Google+ Trending Stories How to Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Right Now

  • iPhone Security Flaw Gives Developers Access to Photos [REPORT]

    Updated: 2012-02-29 15:01:41
    Top Stories Photo Video Galleries Top Lists Trending Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video More Topics . People Recommended Mashable Staff More people . Jobs Try Our New Social News App Welcome to Mashable Sign in with Facebook or Facebook Mashable Social Media All Social Media How-To Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ Oscars mRank Featured in Social Media Tech All Tech Apps Software Dev Design Gadgets Mobile Featured in Tech Business All Business Advertising Marketing Media Small Business Startups Featured in Business Entertainment All Entertainment Film Gaming Music TV Featured in Entertainment US World All US World Politics Social Good . U.S World Featured in US World Videos : Featured Apple YouTube Google+ Trending Stories How to Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Right Now

  • The Power of the Social Consumer [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Updated: 2012-02-29 14:00:11
    Twenty years ago, if you were dissatisfied with a company’s product or business practices, you’d probably stop buying from them. You might…

  • Meet the Team Behind Google Doodles [VIDEO]

    Updated: 2012-02-29 11:05:21
    Unlike most Google products, Google Doodles aren’t executed through algorithms. A team of living, breathing artists regularly dress up its logo…

  • Google Adsense Secrets

    Updated: 2012-02-29 09:11:14
    A powerful income stream that I’ve added to my repertoire over the last 2 years or so, is niche blogging primarily focusing on Google Adsense. Using the power of focusing on a targeted niche, I’m able to use niche blogging to share my knowledge of my niche products albeit to a smaller audience and yet [...]

  • HTML 5 Tags Can Help Build Your Business Website

    Updated: 2012-02-29 07:25:34
    As many parts of HTML 4.01 have lost their relevance today, HTML 5 now promises designers far less code and users a more seamless online experience. So what exactly does HTML 5 have that is so special? Since 1999, when HTML 4.01 was made standard for all internet usage, the way we use the internet...

  • When Does It Make Sense to Outsource Your Software Development?

    Updated: 2012-02-29 04:41:23
    Top Stories Photo Video Galleries Top Lists Trending Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video More Topics . People Recommended Mashable Staff More people . Jobs Try Our New Social News App Welcome to Mashable Sign in with Facebook or Facebook Mashable Social Media All Social Media How-To Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ Oscars mRank Featured in Social Media Tech All Tech Apps Software Dev Design Gadgets Mobile Featured in Tech Business All Business Advertising Marketing Media Small Business Startups Featured in Business Entertainment All Entertainment Film Gaming Music TV Featured in Entertainment US World All US World Politics Social Good . U.S World Featured in US World Videos : Featured Apple YouTube Google+ Trending Stories How to Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Right Now

  • Gravity Personalizes Websites Based on Your Interests

    Updated: 2012-02-29 04:01:49
    Top Stories Photo Video Galleries Top Lists Trending Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video More Topics . People Recommended Mashable Staff More people . Jobs Try Our New Social News App Welcome to Mashable Sign in with Facebook or Facebook Mashable Social Media All Social Media How-To Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ Oscars mRank Featured in Social Media Tech All Tech Apps Software Dev Design Gadgets Mobile Featured in Tech Business All Business Advertising Marketing Media Small Business Startups Featured in Business Entertainment All Entertainment Film Gaming Music TV Featured in Entertainment US World All US World Politics Social Good . U.S World Featured in US World Videos : Featured Apple YouTube Google+ Trending Stories How to Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Right Now

  • Daydreaming on the Job? This Brain-Wave-Reading Helmet Knows [VIDEO]

    Updated: 2012-02-29 01:59:42
    A new helmet can monitor pilots’ brain waves to see if they are paying attention to flying — or if they’re daydreaming instea…

  • Bieber Fans Eye Social Media World Record for His 18th Birthday

    Updated: 2012-02-29 00:54:20
    Top Stories Photo Video Galleries Top Lists Trending Topics Twitter YouTube Facebook iPhone Google Video More Topics . People Recommended Mashable Staff More people . Jobs Try Our New Social News App Welcome to Mashable Sign in with Facebook or Facebook Mashable Social Media All Social Media How-To Facebook Twitter YouTube Google+ Oscars mRank Featured in Social Media Tech All Tech Apps Software Dev Design Gadgets Mobile Featured in Tech Business All Business Advertising Marketing Media Small Business Startups Featured in Business Entertainment All Entertainment Film Gaming Music TV Featured in Entertainment US World All US World Politics Social Good . U.S World Featured in US World Videos : Featured Apple YouTube Google+ Trending Stories How to Get the Windows 8 Consumer Preview Right Now

  • Do Reverse Image Searching with Google By Simple Drag & Drop

    Updated: 2012-02-29 00:00:42
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • Reasons Why Content Management is Necessary in Web Design

    Updated: 2012-02-28 16:42:08
    Websites are increasingly becoming dynamic rather than static in order to meet various demands of users. A dynamic site enables the owner to alter the framework as well as the details of the website without professional assistance. Comprehensive web design makes use of content management when building a dynamic site. The owner of such a...

  • 4 Ways to Make Your Website Help with Marketing

    Updated: 2012-02-28 16:24:50
    The internet has done great things for helping businesses excel in the world of marketing. The right approach to developing your website could help you do much more effective marketing but without a whole lot of extra effort. This is good, of course, because we all need more time in the day and could all...

  • How to Gauge User Group Interest in Your Area

    Updated: 2012-02-28 08:00:00
    The Mighty Blog How to Gauge User Group Interest in Your Area Feb 28 Written : by 2 28 2012 Yesterday I wrote a blog that introduced you to 4 new user groups that are having their first meetings very soon . nbsp At the end of the blog there was also a question , Do you want to start your own user group As a result , I got a very good question that is very common . nbsp What's the best way to find out if there is any interest for a user group in our area I love this question , not for the answer , but because of the thought process and activity around it . nbsp It's also the tipping point of someone actually embarking on the rewarding journey of running a DotNetNuke user group . nbsp This is the part that excites me the most . nbsp Community is what we are all about , and user groups help

  • 5 Great Web Conferencing Options for Your Small Business

    Updated: 2012-02-28 04:32:21
    You can’t really run a business these days without web conferencing capabilities. When you require everyone to be in the same physical location at once, you limit the possibilities of your business. Web conferencing makes you and your company more versatile, which can only mean positive growth. There are a few different web conferencing services...

  • Google is not The Future of Search

    Updated: 2012-02-28 03:18:27
    Google dominates as the search engine of choice for millions around the world. This represents the current scenario. What about the future? As paid listings make their way into search result pages and search engine optimization for a higher rank becomes more a norm than an exception, what does the future of search engines hold?...

  • New DotNetNuke User Groups For You to Join

    Updated: 2012-02-27 08:00:00
    The Mighty Blog New DotNetNuke User Groups For You to Join Feb 27 Written : by 2 27 2012 User groups in general are great . nbsp They do for the average person what few other venues and mediums can They connect people in meaningful ways . nbsp Sure , you can log onto your favorite social network and find people with similar interests , but you have to build a relationship first . nbsp That takes time . nbsp At a user group , everyone is there for the same reason . nbsp They all want to learn more about the overall topic . nbsp Once you share a slice of pizza or a drink with your fellow user group members , you have quite possibly built a meaningful relationship for . life You may or may not know , but I assist in managing the user group program for DotNetNuke Over the past month or two ,

  • Content Slider 01.02.00 for DotNetNuke Released

    Updated: 2012-02-26 08:00:00
    The Mighty Blog Content Slider 01.02.00 for DotNetNuke Released Feb 26 Written : by 2 26 2012 It's always kind of difficult to tell what modules will become popular when you create them . nbsp For the most part , I really don't care because usually the modules I release to you and the rest of the DotNetNuke community are those that I built specifically for a specific need I had anyway . nbsp However , Content Slider module was meant to fulfill a need . nbsp There was a gap in the Forge As a result , this module has had over 3,500 downloads in about 6 months . nbsp THANK YOU for enjoying this module so much Well , no one can ignore that kind of interest , so I spent quite a bit of time working on a new release this week . nbsp I was able to close all of the reported bugs and suggestions ,

  • SEO Overload – Why you Hire a Geek

    Updated: 2012-02-24 07:52:37
    If you are one of the millions of people who glaze over when words like ‘algorithm’, ‘statistics’ and ‘trend variations’ start being tossed around in conversation then there is nothing unusual about that. A lot of webmasters hate hearing those words because they imply that there is more to SEO than good luck and good [...]

  • Pinterest – Time to Get On “Board”!

    Updated: 2012-02-23 13:54:58
    If you don’t know about Pinterest, any SEO will tell you that you are missing a powerful new platform on the web. Pintrest, which allows users to pin content to their virtual pinboards has grown faster than any platform in recent memory – maybe ever. With rapid success however generally comes a rapid infusion of [...]

  • SEO Headlines Make Headlines!

    Updated: 2012-02-22 13:35:35
    Writing good headlines isn’t just for newspapers. It is a skill needed by everyone producing online content. Without a good headline to hook a reader, you have far less of a chance of being read and creating conversions than you need to succeed. With the need for SEO always entrenched in your mind, your title [...]

  • SEO in 2012

    Updated: 2012-02-21 13:32:13
    It’s time to take what you learned in 2011 and put it into action in case you haven’t done so already! Everyone has a little lag after the new year rings in, but it is high time to get motivated! Take a quick inventory of what is in your arsenal. If you used any sort [...]

  • Content Injection Module 01.02.00 for DotNetNuke Released

    Updated: 2012-02-21 08:00:00
    The Mighty Blog Content Injection Module 01.02.00 for DotNetNuke Released Feb 21 Written : by 2 21 2012 Today , I finally dedicated some time to give the Content Injection Module for DotNetNuke some much needed love . nbsp Fortunately , there aren't too many reported issues or requested features , so the update went quickly and . smoothly If you are new to the Content Injection Module this module was built to allow you to inject literally any text , content , scripts , or anything at all into the header or footer of your DNN website . nbsp It can be quite useful to inject things like Open Graph Protocol , JavaScript libraries , CSS , startup scripts , and more . nbsp There are a total of four 4 updates made to the module for this release . nbsp They are listed : below Feature : nbsp

  • Infographic: Server Header Responses 101

    Updated: 2012-02-20 11:20:27
    This pretty little infographic takes us through some of the most common server header responses encountered by our browsers behind the scenes daily. Just what exactly is a server header response, and how do we tell apart a 200 from a 404? What object is the internet shaped like? Look below to find out…

  • SEO Isn’t a Unicorn – Although Sometimes It Feels Like It.

    Updated: 2012-02-20 02:57:27
    There are almost as many myths about SEO as there are about unicorns – except when it comes to unicorns it is easy to rationally dismiss them. Even so, there are many people that buy into some of the grandest of SEO myths day after day only to be disappointed when the “magic” they are [...]

  • 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones

    Updated: 2012-02-18 22:19:18
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • Comindware Software Solutions for Project Task Management &Tracking [Review]

    Updated: 2012-02-17 23:16:31
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • Great Blogging Tools for You to Try Today

    Updated: 2012-02-17 15:56:05
    The following is a guest post by Kevin Moor . If you would like to write for this home business blog, please checkout the guidelines here. // // // ]]> Blogging is incredibly popular, and it is gaining popularity all the time. More and more folks begin blogging all the time on one of the [...]

  • SEO and Automation

    Updated: 2012-02-16 20:17:32
    It is possible to get more done in your quest for success online if you automate tasks using a number of software tools that are available on the web. You can apply this in a broad sense to the SEO industry as well; but how much automation is possible in the SEO tasks and how [...]

  • How To Unban a Banned Website From Google Search Index

    Updated: 2012-02-16 08:39:53
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • 5 Best Free CD/DVD Burning Software For Windows

    Updated: 2012-02-15 22:35:32
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • Niche Marketing

    Updated: 2012-02-15 21:27:54
    Well planned organic SEO process will usually generate good rankings, it is true that at times optimizing and getting good ranking for competitive keywords can be  quite a challenge. Many of the niche markets now have severe competition, and SEO planning must be realistic as you begin working your way through the field to achieve [...]

  • Lightbox Gallery Module for DotNetNuke Version 01.10.00 Released

    Updated: 2012-02-15 08:00:00
    The Mighty Blog Lightbox Gallery Module for DotNetNuke Version 01.10.00 Released Feb 15 Written : by 2 15 2012 It's that time again This is one of my more popular modules , so I need to make sure it gets some attention from time to time . nbsp There was plenty to do too . nbsp Thankfully , all of the scoped updates for this release were fairly easy to implement , requiring minimal time . nbsp Don't tell anyone I said that though It was really , really hard work Hahaha Just prior to opening Windows Live Writer to write this post , I took a quick glance to see how many downloads this module has had over it's nearly 2.5 years in existence . nbsp Amazingly , this module is just under the wire for 10,000 downloads over its lifetime I cannot express to you how flattering that is especially

  • Email Marketing – Is It Spam?

    Updated: 2012-02-14 21:20:37
    Is Email Marketing spam by another name or a great marketing opportunity that you should be engaged in? Is there any situation where using email marketing is acceptable? Or is it a dying way to connect with would be customers that is no longer cost-efficient and relaiable? Email marketing drifts in and out of favor [...]

  • A social media Valentine

    Updated: 2012-02-14 10:19:41
    A social media Valentine Social Signal Social media that comes . alive Skip to content Contact us today Tel . 604-568-8787 Twitter : socialsignal Home Blog What We Do Speaking Social Speeches Open SoSi About Home Blogs Alex and Rob's blog A social media Valentine A social media Valentine 14 February , 2012 0 comments by Alex and Rob Dearest , Valentine It has been five years since I last wrote to you yet my heart is still a And though the un demise of so many familiar places casts a over our happiness , I have a we still have a dee in each . other I don't need to to stick to you an endless river of joy my way . Heavens to B you'd have to be an not to feel at least a of love if not a of passion . And I'm sorry I freaked out when you suggested we get our in your four- I'll admit I'm a little

  • Niche One Way Links

    Updated: 2012-02-13 21:24:16
    Every SEO you encounter will definitely tell you that building backlinks to your websites is very important, but that at times it can be easy to get caught up in building more and more links without seeing the full benefits of your efforts. It is possible to spend so much time on ineffectual link building [...]

  • Download Windows 8 Start Screen for Windows 7, Vista and XP

    Updated: 2012-02-13 08:34:57
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • 5 Web Browsers That You Never Heard Of, But Should Try!

    Updated: 2012-02-12 22:25:44
    , Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live

  • CacheFly – Speed Up Your Website With This Affordable CDN [Review]

    Updated: 2012-02-12 21:29:15
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

  • Questions to Ask your SEO Professional

    Updated: 2012-02-09 14:03:09
    You pay your SEO professional, and sit back wondering what happens next if you are like many people. You wonder how fast you’ll see results, how they are going to get you to the top, and if it there will be any problems. Not every question has a definitive answer, but if you read on, [...]

  • Five Tips To Keep Your Blog Content Interesting

    Updated: 2012-02-08 00:52:26
    The following is a guest post by John Hughes. If you would like to write for this home business blog, please checkout the guidelines here. // // // ]]> If you’re planning on setting up a home business blog, you’ll probably be considering a whole range of issues on marketing and SEO aimed at upping [...]

  • 10 Best Free Tools To Mount ISO Files in Virtual Drives

    Updated: 2012-02-05 17:00:30
    Check out our awesome review of 10 Best PC Suite For Android Smartphones RSS Email Follow us Become a fan Home About Contact Advertise Review Request tipsOtricks Blogging Internet Computing Reviews Blogging WordPress Blogspot Blogger Templates Best of All Reviews Applications Web Service Mobile n Gadgets Android iPhone iPad Windows Phone 7 BlackBerry Internet Google Google Chrome Facebook Yahoo Web Development Web Based Tools Social Bookmarking Search Engine SEO Twitter Youtube Firefox Firefox Addons Thunderbird Cool Sites InfoGraphics Free Offers Discount Offers Giveaway Fastest of All Utilities PDF Utilities Plugins Security Freeware Tutorials TipsoTricks Earning Tips Data Backup MS Office Optimizing Registry Hacks Tweaking Windows Windows 8 Windows 8 Themes Windows 7 Windows Live Vista

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